Buy Sell Love Durham

Connection, Empathy and Change in Real Estate

Tag: sensationalism

  • Buy Sell Love Durham blog image a clock sits beside three stacks of coins and a wooden figure representing a house, for Lindsay Smith's regular market analysis

    Housing crisis, Sensational headlines and Solutions

    Over the past few weeks, the news has been sensational, shocking, and explosive. When it comes to our Provincial government and their attempts to deal with what is being called a “housing crisis” it seems that everyone has an opinion of how to fix the issue or how to dismantle the efforts being taken to…


  • Featured blog post image of a newsletter with the business section highlighted to support Lindsay Smith's regular blog posting about newspaper headlines and real estate.

    Deconstructing Shocking Real Estate Headlines

    Have things really changed over the past 6 months? Here is a “shocking” headline from the Toronto Star, “New report predicts that Canadian home prices could drop by 30%- or more.” This is a juicy, sensational newsflash. When people see headlines like this, they tend to fall into several camps. My favourite reply is “looks…
