Deposits: Go big to get the home
If you were looking for advice about a medical issue, you would ask a doctor. With questions about taxes, you would go to an accountant and for issues with your car, you would no doubt ask a car mechanic. (Only after asking Ms. Google for her input.) Stick with me, I am going somewhere with…
Musings of a Durham Region Mortgage Broker
I had lunch with the mortgage broker I have known for years this past Friday understanding that when people think of business lunches, visions of swanky restaurants, multiple martinis and expense accounts are easy to conjure up. Alas, when you are self-employed, these lunches tend to be all about business and packed with loads of…
When Variable Rate Mortgages are as Popular as Kale in Salad
My variable rate mortgage has increased so high I am having difficulties managing the payment.Are you here… meaning, are you dealing with a variable rate mortgage where your payment has skyrocketed? If you have a $400,000 variable rate mortgage, a year ago the rate would have been about 1.45%. The monthly payment is around $1,987. This for…
Things to Avoid after a Bank gives you a Mortgage Commitment
I had the opportunity to chat with a realtor friend over the holiday. She mentioned a Buyer she was working with and how their situation changed course after they were pre-approved by a lender. They were pre-approved and had a guaranteed low mortgage rate commitment however as they were looking for homes with their broker, on a…