Buy Sell Love Durham

Connection, Empathy and Change in Real Estate


  • Buy Sell Love Durham, blog image about house flipping showing a man with a laptop

    The difference between a Flipper and a Homeowner

    Over the past decade, we have seen new home sites open their sales offices with long lineups and almost immediately install “sold out” signs. I remember walking around downtown Toronto and seeing long lines, finding out that a new condo building was selling condos that were not set to close for a couple of years.…


  • Buy Sell Love Durham featured blog image, betting table

    Would you Bet on a Sure Thing?

    There are two parallels with the economy that are unfolding. One is the stock market, and the other is our local Real Estate market. The Dow Jones had an amazing rally that started in July and peaked in mid-August. Below is a graph and for those who like numbers, at the beginning of August the…


  • Two out of Three Ain’t Bad

    I’m hearing thoughts with Meatloaf’s voice in my head lately. In my blog dated November 15th, 2021, I made some forecasts. Looking at the inventory and Buyer demand I came up with predictions for Real Estate prices in our area for the winter market. I refer to my “crystal ball” quite often, sharing how it…


  • Why do homes with pools sell in the Winter?

    Let’s jump back in time, say to 1997. This was an amazing year for Real Estate. In fact, it was the best year for sales in a decade. Detached homes had been increasing in value since a correction in 1990 and the future looked rosy. One other component of the market in the late 1990s…
