Buy Sell Love Durham

Connection, Empathy and Change in Real Estate

Tag: buyer's market

  • Durham Region Real Estate and Trust

    I remember a few years ago I bought something from a local merchant at a busy market when travelling. Returning to my hotel, I checked my supply of cash and noticed that I was short-changed. I remember handing the clerk a $100 bill, and the item was $19. I had $41 in my pocket meaning…


  • Boulevard signs about buying your home. Featured image about this issue representing Lindsay Smith's blog about the phenomenon.

    What is behind the ‘Cash for Homes’ Boulevard Signs?

    Earlier this year, a client approached me to help sell his family home after his mom had passed. He mentioned the next-door neighbour (who actually had a rental property next to his parents’ home) had offered him a cash offer to sell. In the end, we listed the home for sale and attracted multiple bids,…


  • Young couple standing in front of a home that is for sale. Featured image for a blog by Lindsay Smith, Buy Sell Love Durham about what you need to know about making an offer on a power-of-sale home.

    Bank-Owned Power Of Sale Properties: What you should know

    The inventory of homes for sale is building. At the end of August, we had 1,065 homes for sale in Durham Region, and as of today, we have 1,771 homes for sale. That is an increase of 66%! This is a good thing for Buyers, right? Well, in some cases, yes and in others, no.…


  • Featured image of compass in the wilderness Lindsay Smith's weekly blog.

    How Important is Local Media?

    Bombshell news from last week. Metroland has filed for bankruptcy. In case you are unaware of Metroland they are the company behind the largest local print newspaper in Durham Region. They publish under the name “This Week” in most of the communities of Durham Region, and in total the company will cease to print 70…


  • Buy Sell Love Durham blog image a clock sits beside three stacks of coins and a wooden figure representing a house, for Lindsay Smith's regular market analysis

    Housing crisis, Sensational headlines and Solutions

    Over the past few weeks, the news has been sensational, shocking, and explosive. When it comes to our Provincial government and their attempts to deal with what is being called a “housing crisis” it seems that everyone has an opinion of how to fix the issue or how to dismantle the efforts being taken to…


  • Experience from the 90’s Helping Home Sellers in 2023

    A quick review of mortgage rates in Ontario looks something like this; eeek!The Bank of Canada started to increase rates last March and we have seen the lending rates have increased from .25% to 5%. These increases have happened over 10 resets of the lending rate. No one can argue that mortgage rates are higher than…


  • Handshake silhouette image signifying making a deal for Lindsay Smith's weekly real estate blog.

    Is it Time to Head in the Opposite Direction?

    We recently saw a concert at Ontario Place. It was the Tadeshi – Trucks band, and if you like Southern guitarists, you would love this group of Southern rockers. I thought as we were waking into the show, literally in a sea of people, that we had really no control over what direction we were headed and it…


  • Picture of a Barbie Doll used to illustrate the weekly Buy Sell Love Durham blog post about what Barbie can demonstrate about Real Estate principles.

    What can Barbie teach us about Real Estate?

    Barbiemania has hit the world! So far, the movie has had $775,000,000 in box office sales! With a budget of $150,000,000 this means that it will be a blockbuster hit that will be around for years to come and has been a great investment for the production company behind the movie. What can be learned from the movie, other…


  • Picture of Lindsay Smith of Buy Sell Love Durham behind a desk working at his real estate office.

    Why Experience Matters

    Something fascinating happened over the past few weeks. I was contacted by a Seller who had listed his home with a friend, and after a few weeks he terminated the listing and approached me to see if I could sell his home. His friend, an agent from Toronto gave him a “good deal” and brought…


  • Buy Sell Love Durham blog image a clock sits beside three stacks of coins and a wooden figure representing a house, for Lindsay Smith's regular market analysis

    Buying a Condo Townhome or Detached home in Durham Region

    What is the best investment? I recently sold a condo townhouse and during the selling process I had some very interesting conversations. A comment made by a renter who was looking at buying a home was that they felt condo townhomes would not increase in value like semi-detached or detached homes would, so they wrote…
