Buy Sell Love Durham

Connection, Empathy and Change in Real Estate

Category: Market Prediction

  • Positive Thoughts on Durham Region Real Estate in 2025

    I recently read an article about Canada being in for a “pretty rough ride.” We are being threatened with tariffs, our Federal Government is on pause, and our productivity is at an all-time low. With all this doom and gloom, where is the “good stuff” happening in Canada regarding Real Estate? Let’s begin by looking…


  • Image of a calculator, pen and printed numbers to begin Lindsay Smith's real estate blog about using statistical information to understand real estate numbers

    How Low Can Rates Go?

    Several things happened in 2022. The beginning of the slowdown in the economy started when the Bank of Canada (BOC) raised interest rates 10 times over 10 months. In 2022 we started the year with the BOC lending rate set at .25%. When lenders offered a variable rate mortgage they would add 1 or 1.5%…


  • Show Me the Money

    It seems like chat around the office water cooler or photocopier always seems to revolve around Real Estate. A question that commonly comes up is that given the state of our economy in Canada, “Where is all of the money coming from for people to buy houses?” Mortgage, loans and lines of credit rates are…


  • Understanding Real Estate by Reading Trends

    One thing I love to do is to make predictions. In December 2023 I made some predictions about where the values in Oshawa, Whitby and Clarington would be in May 2024. Let’s review my thoughts and see how accurate I was.The 4th quarter of 2023 was challenging time for Sellers, with values declining and sluggish sales. For…


  • What the heck is an Early Adopter?

    Reading a book by Simon Sinek, he goes deep into a subject that has always fascinated me. About how human nature can be mapped out on a graph and how the media, conversations with friends and the general public can influence buying habits. If you think of a line graph that starts out low and…


  • Small piggy bank on a wood surface.

    Investors are Back

    Phil Collins recorded a song years ago that I love. “In the air tonight.” This song has never been more relevant than where we are currently with Real Estate in Durham Region. Or maybe the song “What a feeling” from Flashdance. Both of these songs share a similar message. There is a feeling that is…


  • Buy Sell Love Durham blog image a clock sits beside three stacks of coins and a wooden figure representing a house, for Lindsay Smith's regular market analysis

    Housing crisis, Sensational headlines and Solutions

    Over the past few weeks, the news has been sensational, shocking, and explosive. When it comes to our Provincial government and their attempts to deal with what is being called a “housing crisis” it seems that everyone has an opinion of how to fix the issue or how to dismantle the efforts being taken to…


  • Buy Sell Love Durham blog image a clock sits beside three stacks of coins and a wooden figure representing a house, for Lindsay Smith's regular market analysis

    Buying a Condo Townhome or Detached home in Durham Region

    What is the best investment? I recently sold a condo townhouse and during the selling process I had some very interesting conversations. A comment made by a renter who was looking at buying a home was that they felt condo townhomes would not increase in value like semi-detached or detached homes would, so they wrote…


  • Buy Sell Love Durham blog image the word waiting repeated for Lindsay Smith's regular market analysis

    Durham Real Estate – Shocking/Not Shocking

    Let’s pretend that we had a blackout and lost what home prices were doing from December 2021 – February 2022. It might be called “willful blindness,’ so stick with me for a few minutes. The May 2023 statistics are out, and one thing is certain; no one rang a bell at the bottom of the…


  • Buy Sell Love Durham blog image for Lindsay Smith's regular market analysis

    Understanding Real Estate and Investment Cycles

    We are 3 weeks into the 2nd quarter and the “fortune tellers,” meaning, the people who sit around tables in coffee shops, chatting in a bar over a beer or even milling about after church service are surprised that their predictions are not coming true. You might be curious what predictions… the ones predicting the…
